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Slippery Elm 100 g, 50 g, 25 g


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Slippery Elm – 100 g ($24.99), 50 g ($14.99), 25 g ($9.99)


Slippery elm has a soothing and healing effect on any part of the body it comes into contact with. It is used in the treatment of sore throats, indigestion, digestive irritation, and stomach ulcers. It is able to neutralize excess acids in the stomach and intestines. It can also be used externally to heal wounds and burns, and can relieve irritated, inflamed, or itchy skin. The mucilage in slippery elm bark is an excellent remedy for irritation and inflammation of the reproductive and respiratory systems, as well as the urinary tract. It has been used for rheumatism, gout, and swollen glands. Different components of the herb act in different ways. The mucilage loosens up congestion such as in the lungs. Insoluble polysaccharides in the mucilage form a viscous material following oral ingestion or when used topically to reduce gastrointestinal transit time, acting as a bulk laxative, and absorbing toxins. Other components are thought to be antitumor and astringent. No human or animal studies have been conducted to support any of these wide-ranging claims, however. It appears to be safe for coughs and minor gastrointestinal complaints, but should not be used for cancer or bronchitis.

Cancer. Slippery elm is included as part of an antineoplastic remedy called Essiac. From a survey of cancer patients, 16 percent said they had used Essiac, and most of them had gastrointestinal cancers. One-third thought they had benefited psychologically and physically. However, another study found that Essiac does not stop the progression of cancer, does not cure cancer, and is not palliative.

Crohn’s disease, food poisoning, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Slippery elm bark may be used for irritation caused by colitis, chronic diarrhea, esophagitis, gastritis, and duodenal and peptic ulcers. The bark consists of an abundance of mucilage, composed of easily digested, nontoxic complex carbohydrates. This mucilage soothes inflammation and stops irritation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach and intestines. Some scientists believe that taking slippery elm by mouth induces a reflex reaction that causes the stomach to secrete more mucus. No clinical data exist to support this belief, however.


Recommended Use

Slippery elm can be used as a tea, a powder mixed into cold water, or a poultice. Since slippery elm is also a food product, there is no upper limit on dosage, but taking 2 teaspoons dissolved in 1 cup of water is the minimum amount that works, and 5 teaspoons is the maximum that will dissolve in 1 cup of water.

Slippery elm is regarded as safe. However, because of the high mucilage content, it may interfere with the absorption of medications taken at the same time. Contact dermatitis has been reported with topical use. Slippery elm should not be used during pregnancy, as spontaneous abortions have occurred. No data exist on its safety during lactation, so it should be avoided. Slippery elm blocks the absorption of iron, so if you are taking iron supplements, you should separate the two compounds by one to two hours.

Botanical Name: Ulmus rubra
English: Slippery Elm, Red Elm, Indian Elm, American Elm
Also, known as: Michaux, Ulme, Orme, Olmo, Moose Elm, Hemar, Kitamaara
Habitat: The United States, Canada
Origin: USA
Harvested: Wild
Parts Used: Inner Bark

General Information:
The Slippery Elm is a small tree abundant in various parts of North America. The branches are very rough, the leaves long, unequally toothed, rough with hairs on both sides, the leaf-buds covered with a dense yellow Wool. The flowers are stalkless. The inner bark has important medicinal value and is an official drug of the United States Pharmacopoeia. The bark, which is the only part used, is collected in spring from the bole and larger branches and dried. Large quantities are collected, especially in the lower part of the state of Michigan. As the wood has no commercial value, the tree is fully stripped and consequently dies. The bark as it appears in commerce for use in medicine consists only of the inner bark and is sold in flat pieces 2 to 3 feet long and several inches wide, but only about 1 – 2” in thickness. It is very tough and flexible, of a fine fibrous texture, finely striated longitudinally on both surfaces, the outer surface reddish-yellow, with patches of reddish brown, which are part of the outer bark adhering to the inner bark. It has an odor like Fenugreek and a very mucilaginous, insipid taste. The strips can be bent double without breaking: if broken, the rough fracture is mealy, strongly but finely fibrous. The clean transverse section shows numerous medullary rays and alternate bands of bark parenchyma, thus giving it a chequered appearance. A section moistened and left for a few minutes, and again examined, shows large swollen mucilage cells. The powdered bark is sold in two forms: a coarse powder for use as poultices and a fine powder for making a mucilaginous drink. The disintegrated bark forms, when moistened, a flexible and spongy tissue, which is easily molded into pessaries, teats, and suppositories.

It is recommended that ten-year-old bark should be used. There are about twenty species belonging the Elm family (Ulmaceae). Slippery, or Red, elm is smaller than the rest of the elm family (60 ft. or less) with a wide-open crown. The bark and leaves are characteristically rough, deeply furrowed; under layers ruddy brown, protecting the white aromatic fibers used medicinally; odor distinct; taste mucilaginous. The leaves are extremely rough on top, deep yellowish olive-green, lighter and sometimes rusty beneath; flowering in March or April before the leaves appear, fruit nearly round in outline, winged without hairy fringe, ripening in the spring at intervals of two to four years.

How to use:
Decoctions are suitable for roots, barks, large seeds & berries, and other dense material. The simple way to make decoction is, in a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of dried herbs to 1 cup of water. Bring the water to boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30-60 minutes. Strain and squeeze out as much as liquid as possible and enjoy!

You can sweeten your herbal decoctions with a bit of honey, natural fruit juice, stevia leaves powder and or licorice root powder.

Weight 0.13 lbs

25 g, 50 g, 100 g


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